New Breakthrough in Cure for Tonsillitis!
My tonsils totally swelled up when I touched down yesterday morning.
I got home and :
1. Gargled Bactidol
2. Drank many many cups of Chinese Cooling Tea
3. Drank lots and lots of water
4. Drank a solid dose of cold cold coca-cola
5. Drank bubble tea
6. Drank MORE cold cold coca-cola
7. Sucked Jem's cock
I don't think Step 7 helped much though, although Jem swore it would help me.
Jem called earlier.. said he was feeling feverish. Hmm...... I wonder why. Any recommended remedies anyone? :)
On a different note...
I was speaking to a guy friend of mine whom I met not too long ago... He told me, "you have an attractive personality... so take care of yourself."
I'm stunned. This is an absolute revelation to me.
Ok, so I can accept the fact that I'm not attractive physically..
And now that I'm crowned Miss Personality *accepts sash and bouquet of flowers* ... What the hell am I supposed to do?
I've never been guarded around guys... I've always felt no guy would touch me with a ten-foot pole... I've always just been every guy's buddygirlfriend.
Oh well, that one-off comment is not going to change anything.
I'm just being me.
Love me or hate me. :)
hrm...#7 seems erm...erm...DAMN PRIVATE CAN!!!
anyway...ME LOVE YOU, Miss Personality! =)
p.s: im half-man.
Hahaha... its a joke la dear.. ;) And if u're half man... God knows what the hell I am... Anyway me love u too. You my dear.. are the Beauty Queen. :)
wah gerrrii!! jem must have alwyas wish u ghave ur tonsillitis...gosh wat the hell is that anyway but i assume its something to do with throat la...
i think every bf wil wish their gf have this sickness anyway
muackss...when wanna fly wt me!!
Gwen: Hey girl.. Its like swollen tonsils.. and its kinda gross. hahaha.. Please PLEASE do not suck anyone's cock when u have tonsillitis! hahaha..
I wanna fly with u too! Then can go do more stupid things together! hee hee :)
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