I Lubb My Lahling.... :)
Guess what? Jeremy sent me flowers! Lalalalaaa..... so sweet.

My dad was at home when the delivery guy came leaning on my doorbell, so he answered the door and five minutes later, my dad was hollering at me to come downstairs (I have to say its quite wierd to see your dad cradling a bunch of flowers.... ;p) and he started reading the attached card out loud "... as a token of my love.... Jeremy". I was like, "DAAAAA-AD!"
So I complained to Mum. :)
*sigh* I love the flowers... Oh yah... and Jeremy too. :)
btw, Jeremy is showing everyone in office the pic of the daisies he sent to you.
such sweetness! heh.
happy birthday, gal! :)
wahhhh.....*envious* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!
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